Egg or chicken …….ya……. Egg or baby ???
Stop wondering on the legend story of whether Egg comes or Chicken. And think first why some animal lay Eggs and some give born to baby :-o Some day back we already discussed this :o) What we came to know from different sources ….. From swetha.shadow (I mean unique creative source) Some animal are tall enough so if they lay eggs it will break like HUMPTY DUMPTY SAT ON A WALL ;) From Guruji (i mean from the books of Abhijiit) This is phase of evolution…may sounds right to some of you. As some of animals adopt to climate and start giving birth to new born baby As it will increase the chances of survivial ;) but still why some of dnt do so ???? From another Random resources (i think soumya k may b) Some of busy parents don’t have enough time to sit on eggs and wait for there chintu pintu to come out of it :D What i thought is---> May b some animal still follow old convention so that OMLET n EGG ITEMS wont delete from Menu :) (as most of us love them , me too ) Guess what if it happene...