Think out of BOX.....nt LUNCH BOX :D

Now days we know our life without wireless networking is like

software eng without orkut

weekneds without PVR

lovers without late night calls

snacks without MC-D

girls without shopping

i hope hv given sufficient e.g ;)

We use GSM,CDMA and wi max network in our daily life and we kno others signals like TV and radio transmission and satellite communication sharing the same space.but hv u ever thought of ????

What happens if someone get power to see wireless signals which keep on flying around us all time??????

How different his life will be :o

He will feel like standing in rain of signals kissing him from all directions.

feeling like sitting at cloud no 9 and njoyin the ride...isnt it??

Guess what if he can read out all information carrying by any the signal :o

ofcorse he wont behave like router jst passing on the signals to next hub (atleast i wont:)

And wat s gonna be if he can even modifies signal as per he wants :(

Those signals can have intelligence information , details of our bank account , our salary slips or few love letters written by few of us ;)

How will you feel like raped by a man without even being realised :(

Don’t you think so this can be the script of next movie of Spielberg, if not his thn i m gonna produce by myself :)

NOTE-Poeple dnt blame me i write only ROMANTIC BLOGS ;)


  1. very nice man.. intersting... we could even stop terror happenin...

  2. n thn thr can b telepathy between human and machines too...we can surely add up all our wierd imaginations here ;)

  3. hmm good uncle... dinalyy u had proved that u r on bench... and have no work.. :P good.. shabash,,.

  4. @swetha->thanks :)

    @sim---->nice idea buddy...dats called out of BOX :)

    @CP----->i m nt on bench as they provide us good relaxing chairs ;)
    and by the way this i hv written after office hours :p

  5. Only an ECE guy can think of such an out of the box... :P Atleast there will be no need to explain modulations/demodulations in Engg then :)

  6. hmmmm
    ye comment tha ya compliment brother :o

    but thr will be so much things comes in to picture if this thing happens... ;)

  7. in short jo man mey aa raha hai ...kapil uncle ke bus likhe jao.. koi rrokne wala to hai nahi,,..

    ab to had ho gaye.. means outof box ko lunch box se...
    guru hoo aap to...

  8. blog mera...thinking meri....likhna maine :(

    ok ji aage se kuch nahi likhunga :(

  9. arey!! dada ..likhoo .. aur likho.. bindas rahne ka & likhne ka .. jo man aye vo karna....

    then jo mera aye mey comment karunge :P


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