Bangalore Benellians Turned 4 :)

The #BangaloreBeneallians is a live example for the living spirit of #BikerBrotherhood and #Belongingness, what could be a better way to cherish this feeling by celebrating the 4th anniversary of the group. Thanks to the efforts of riders like Ravi, Selva, Monty, Dilip, Soumya, Gagan and others who kept the group alive. I joined the group around 2 years ago and try to contribute in any way possible :)

The group consists of more than 150+ active riders and have miles of kilometers with safety & unity being uttermost importance. The group has covered up the whole line of Benellis including TNT250, TNT300, 302R, TRK502, 600i, 600GT and 899. Hope to see new models (like Leoncio, Imperiale ) to be part of the group soon. We also welcome any non-benellian friends to join the ride and events with the same hospitality.

The #BangaloreBeneallians has done many rides, to name a few IBW, BR Hills, Kolli Hills, Sakleshpur, DD Hills, Satguru Ride, Drug Awareness ride, Sapling Plantation ride, Independence & Republic day rides and countless breakfast rides. 

Few of the memories from the old rides:

Now the context has been set up, so let's fast forward to the current day for the 4th-anniversary special.
We started gathering up at the Benelli Langford at 6 AM and actual flag-off happened around 6:45 AM to the first stop Skandgiri Hills.

The early morning silence was shattered with the rhythmic exhaust of Benelli's. It was an absolute delight to see disciplined lane ride throughout the event.

The breakfast was ready and served hot at the Royal Orchid Resort, not to mention the taste and varieties it offered.

We were joined by representatives from the Benelli India and Vinayaka Motors, who shared there thoughts and stories behind the respective brands. We were lucky to get first glimpse and brief information of Benelli's upcoming launches Leoncio 250 & Imperiale 400.

Thanks to the Monty and his friends for anchoring the event like smooth sailing with few competitions like Loudest Bike, Thoughtful modification, Trendy Helmet, Best Couple dance, etc. The winners received free stay vouchers at Royal Orchid properties across India.

The heat was on (by burning sun and hot exhausts), So we quickly moved to the Cake cutting ceremony. Ravi did the honor of being the oldest member and co-founder of the group.

As always, the event was concluded with a #GroupSelfie and a lot of other clicks :)

Though this time there is no Video Log, But here is a video from a similar event at Royal Orchid a few months back in case you missed :D

Thanks to the Benelli Langford (Vinayak Motors) & Benelli India for organizing the ride, a special thanks to Michelin and Royal Orchid for powering up. Hope to see more active rides at bigger scale soon :)

Disclaimer: I am not associated with any brand, it's just my personal view without any intention to promote/demote any individual or brand  Though it's only done to share my memories and not for monetary benefits, please take permission for using any content (blog/images/videos)


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