We usually put our status message copied from somewhere else,
coz who bother to write there own ???
atleast some people like me ;)
some make sense , some make non sense ..oopss i got one more :D :D


"I was not programed to fall in love untill you found bug in my code"

"Girls and mobile phone either love to talk or vibrate "

"Loving you was your luck and loosing you is mine"

"Biking is more cool than ***king atleast you can njoy for hours"

"Love is like Hide and seek , when i seek for it hide somewhere ,
when love seeks me then i get caught"

"Girls dont forget there first kiss...so do boys except the name of girl"

"Love is hEll when one party lost,Love is hEaVeN when both party won, Love is nothing when both party lost"

"Sex is related to Six , in spelling as well as size too"

"The best word said by her is... still unsaid "

"Smiling on other is the one thing you should not supposed to do even standing in fornt of mirror"

"If you direct look into gilr's eyes you are gone, but if you look
somewhere else also you are gone too "

"Life is open road which goes straight,take left or right but never take U-Turn"



  1. Few line are ultimate... few are lil out of scope... keep think new ones.. let the theory never end....

  2. hmmm.. thanks :) lil out of scope :o which one u didnt get it right :(

  3. jhootha hai ye..nothing is written by him..i know dat... well whosover has written dose, the first one was ultimate...keep it up :P.
    P.S. Keep it up was also 4 u kapil..keep it up -churana :P

  4. why dnt someone believe its composed by me only :'( :'(

    But i like atleast u like some of those ;)

  5. Few make no sense , thts true . I like to put the motivational sentences as my status messages . Not these :P

    Anyway, but Kapil wat r u going to do with these?? Trying to sell out ? ;)

  6. hmmm i kno the one you dnt understand doesn't make ny sense for u :p :p

    I dont write for selling to someone.But if someone read my thoughts and then i would like to be goo friend with him.(so now again we are good frnds) :D :D


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